Effort Alone is NOT enough

We help people like you get better.

What is an SEOT mindset?

Mindset is everything.

Do you have a FIXED mindset?

A Fixed Mindset is when you believe that you’re either good at something, or you’re not, and that’s just the way it is. People are just born that way. She’s a natural athlete. He’s really smart. It’s your identity. Failure means you failed. And rather than risk making a mistake, it’s easier not to try (or to find an excuse.)

Or a GROWTH mindset?

A Growth Mindset is when you believe that you can get better over time. If you try hard, learn from mistakes, you can improve. Mistakes are a good thing. Add the word “yet” when you can’t do something. I can’t do it, yet.

How to change your mindset

Research suggests that we can choose to change our mindset. When we find ourselves in a fixed mindset, we can decide in that second to shift to a growth mindset.

We just say, “whoops, I’m in a fixed mindset again. What might someone with a growth mindset do in this situation?”

SEOT is a WAY to help you work smarter (and not harder)

SEOT is the idea that you can reach your goals…

If you

  • Use Strategies,
  • put in a solid Effort,
  • Optimize what you do, and
  • Tinker

Then, eventually, you will succeed and reach your goal!

THINK about some thing you want

A dream, a goal, a target, an objective, etc…

what actions did you TaKE THIS WEEK to move towards your goal ?

Grab a piece of paper.

Draw a target with four points on each axis.

Then, answer the following questions.

1. Strategy

  • I thought a lot about how I could reach my goal, and then I tried a few things and thought about why they might work. (Awesome – 4 points)
  • I thought about how I could reach my goal, and then tried a few things. (Good – 3 points)
  • I just did it… And then I thought about how I did it. (Ok – 2 points)
  • I just did it without really thinking about it, you know? (Umm – 1 point)
  • I didn’t do anything towards my goal (0 points)

Circle your score on the Strategy Axis


  • I tried a lot. It was actually hard work, but I found a reason to keep going, or I found a way to make it fun! (Awesome – 4 points)
  • I tried a lot. It was actually hard work. (Good – 3 points)
  • I tried, I guess. (Ok – 2 points)
  • Oops. I didn’t really try. (Umm – 1 point)
  • I didn’t do anything towards my goal (0 points)

Circle your score on the Effort Axis

3. Optimize

  • I track how things are going. I know what works and doesn’t work (and why.) I do more of what’s working to get better. (Awesome – 4 points)
  • I keep track of how things are going, and I try different things to get better results. (Good – 3 points)
  • I keep track of how things are going, but I haven’t really thought about it. (Okay – 2 points)
  • I’m not really keeping track of anything. (Umm – 1 point)
  • I didn’t do anything towards my goal (0 points)

Circle your score on the Optimize Axis

4. Tinker

  • I did little experiments. I thought about why the results might come out that way. I thought of new ways to explore my ideas. (Awesome – 4 points)
  • I did little experiments. I thought about why the results might come out that way. (Good – 3 points)
  • I did little experiments. (Okay – 2 points)
  • I didn’t do little experiments. (Umm – 1 point)
  • I didn’t do anything towards my goal (0 points)

Circle your score on the Tinker Axis

Connect the dots (your points) with a curved line

The Wheel of Success

Imagine you’re in a car driving towards your goal.

If this is what your wheels looked like, how bumpy would the ride be?

Are you even moving?

Are you inventing things to do to avoid the important?

Get better.

Use STRATEGIES, put in a solid EFFORT, pay attention to results to OPTIMIZE what you do, and TINKER to test assumptions until you win.

CHOOSE your path


Goal Setting for Students


21st Century Learning Skills and Social-Emotional Learning Resources


TPT Seller Data Tools and TPT SEO Tools

SEOTpreneur YouTube

TPT SEO Secret Manual

SEOTpreneur PRO

Direct Access to a TPT SEO + TPT Data Science Expert

SEOT hosting

WordPress Websites with an SEOT mindset



Website design service for TEACHERpreneurs

SOLOpreneur VIP


Website design service for Small Business and SOLOpreneurs

Michael Fuchigami.ca

Michael Fuchigami

Educator, Entrepreneur, and Student Mental Health Advocate

SEOT consulting

Get Better

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